No-Break Space

How to copy No-Break Space ?

When you want to copy the space then you can simply click the “Copy No-Break Space” button that is given below

No- Break Space is also known as non-breaking space.  It is a special character that is used to digital text to neglect the new line while completing the whole word. Like you write 100 kg you do not want to write 100 at the end of the line and kg appear at the start of the line.

Where can you use No-Break Space ?

Format the text

It is used in documents formatting when you write an important word in one line it prevents from moving towards the next line


In HTML, it is used in insert space between elements that remain on the same line like links.

Mathematical Documents

When you write a unit or symbols in mathematical documents “No-Break Space” is used to avoid moving on the next line.

Here are the unicodes & other methods that helps in generating No-Break Space





HTML Entity






Windows Alt code

Alt + 0160


Option + Spacebar

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