Morse Code Translator

Morse code to english | English to morse code

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Morse Code Generator

How to Use Our Morse Code Translator ?

You can use our morse code generator by following simple steps below

  1. Insert your text or morse code
  2. Select option Morse code to english Or English to morse code 
  3. Then “click” on translate 
  4. Results shown on output field 

You can copy your translated morse code and use it anywhere.

How does Morse Code Work?

Morse code represents letters and numbers .The method behind morse code translator is long and short signals which is dots and dash.

This phenomena introduced by American scientist SAMUEL morse helpful to send messages by flashlight, clicking and drumming over long distance using light and sound.

The advanced AI based algorithms make our morse translator more reliable and accurate. Here you see the most enhanced model of morse code translater in which you can decode morse code in to english or english to morse code within seconds.

Receiving the Message

The Morse code generated  by morse code converter  transmits messages  using a series of dots (short signals) and dash (long signals) to represent the letters and numbers. These signals can be sent through sound , light  or radio waves. A receiver interprets the sequence of dots and dashes to decode the message

Signal Representation:

Morse code translator generates letters and numbers using a combination of dots and dashes . Each character has its own unique pattern, for instance, “A” is“._” and”B “” is “_….” This system allows communication through sound, light and radio signals.

Decoding the Signals

morse code decoder decoding signals which  involves translating a sequence of dots and dashes into letters and numbers. Each character has a unique pattern, you can use morse code charts to help with translation.

Text to Morse Code Encoder

Here is the following procedure how our morse code encoder convert text to morse code online

  1. Input your text into the converter.
  2. The tool translates each letter , number into its morse code equivalent using dots and dashes.
  3. Copy or save the generated morse code for your use!


Here are a few examples of text converted to morse code:

Text: “HELLO”  

Morse Code: •••• • •—• •—• •—

Text: “AUGUST”  

Morse Code: •— •- —• —• ••• ——

Morse Code to Text Decoder

You can easily decode the encoded morse code by using our morse code translator. You just need to follow the simple steps below 

  1. Input the more code using dots and dashes into decoder
  2. The tool translates the morse code into the corresponding letters and numbers
  3. Read and copy the decoded text for use!


Here some examples 

Text: October 

Morse code :  ——— •— •— •— ••• ——

Text: Smile 

Morse code: ••• — —• •• —•

Morse Code Chart ( Letters, Numbers, and Punctuation)

Our morse code translator works according to this visual guide that displays the Morse code representations for letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and common punctuation marks.

 Each character is encoded using a combination of dots (•) and dashes (—), facilitating communication in a concise format. This chart is essential for decoding and encoding messages in Morse code

Alphabets in Morse Code

While working with alphabets our morse code generator works with system where each letter from A to Z is represented by a unique combination of dots (•) and dashes (—), enabling efficient encoding and decoding of messages


Morse Code

















































Numbers in Morse Code

Morse code number translator works with a a set of unique dot and dash combinations representing numbers 0 to 9, allowing for the transmission of numerical information in Morse code.


Morse Code





















Special Characters in Morse Code

While working with morse code generator special characters represent punctuation and symbols, enhancing communication beyond letters and numbers.


Morse Code

. (Period)


, (Comma)


: (Colon)


; (Semicolon)


? (Question Mark)


‘ (Apostrophe)


! (Exclamation Mark)


/ (Slash)


( ) (Parentheses)


& (Ampersand)


– (Hyphen)


_ (Underscore)


” (Quotation Mark)


@ (At Sign)


= (Equals Sign)


+ (Plus Sign)



What Is Morse Code ?

Morse code is like a secret language made up of dots and dashes that represent letters and numbers. It was invented back in the 1830s for telecommunication. Imagine sending messages through light or sound like a flashlight or a buzzer where each letter has its own unique pattern.

What is Morse Code Translator?

A Morse code generator is like a magical decoder ring for converting regular text into Morse code and vice versa. You type in a word or phrase, and it gives you the corresponding dots and dashes. Some translators even let you hear the sounds or see the flashes of light that represent the code.

How do I write in Morse code ?

Writing in Morse code with our morse code generator is pretty straightforward! But if you want to write it manually, you just need to know the dot and dash patterns for each letter.

Here’s a quick way to get started:

  1. Choose your message:

Think of what you want to say.

  1. Look up the Morse code chart: Each letter has a specific combination of dots (•) and dashes (–). For example, “HELLO” would be:

– H: ••••

– E: •

– L: •–••

– L: •–••

– O: –––

  1. Write it out: Replace each letter with its Morse code equivalent. You can separate letters with spaces and words with slashes or longer spaces.

Can I translate English to Morse Code?

Absolutely! You can easily translate English to Morse code, even Morse code to English also . Just take your English text, look up the Morse code for each letter, and write it out.

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